
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What They Don't Accept...

God damn I am tired. Started waking up at 5:00AM every morning to take part in University of Chicago's Kuvia challenge thing. It's a physical activity thing where you can take part in a lot of activities such as dance, martial arts, etc. At least you get free bagels and Hi-C... which reminds me I have a juicebox in my coat pocket. Win.

Day 3: 2 Hour Walks Back Home
1. Forrest Gump. Probably my favorite movie of all time. Just a really well done movie.
2. Hitch. Will Smith is hilarious; at least I think so. Really good story about love.
3. Iron Man. I love Tony Starks character. Insanely smart, extremely smooth, and he's just got swag.

There's 3 of my favorite films. See you tomorrow.


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